ⲅⲉⲣⲓ, ⲫⲁ̄ⲓ̈, ⲟⲙⲓⲣ: Read, Write, Count!

Taras Press has a particular interest in Nubian languages as they have been used over the past millennium and a half, from Old Nubian to contemporary Nubian languages throughout Sudan and Egypt.
As a result, we are publishing four books alongside a number of Nubian learning materials. We've been supported by backers through our Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, which we've just shipped out (aside from "Sisters of the Water" which is still facing some delays) and we're now offering the books for sale to the public:
This is How we Read Nubian by Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl (available to order now!) - an alphabet book introducing the Nubian script and basic vocabulary to early readers, and accompanied by a writing workbook for practice: "This is how we write Nubian"
The Miracle of Amanirenas by Hatim-Arbaab Eujayl (available to order now!)- a fantasy storybook based on the historical encounter between Nubian queen Amanirenas and the Roman empire.
Nabra's Nubian Numbers by Ramey Dawoud (available to order now!) - This picture book teaches you how to count in Nobiin while incorporating elements of Nubian culture and traditions.
Sisters of the Water by K. Eltinaé - four illustrated adventures touching upon the raising of the Aswan Dam & our collective nostalgia for a place that was lost but never left us.
Schools, libraries and other organisations wishing to make larger orders, please leave an email address here to enquire.